Don't Throw Out Those Old Tees!
Besides turning them into washcloths, they can be made into fun little outfits for your baby!
And I don't mean your husband's giant T-shirts though you could use those if you wanted it would just take a bit more work. However, any small baby tees you have from before getting pregnant and no longer being able to wear them or any small tees of your husband's that he no longer wears either would work. Even if you have some T-shirts from your older children that are long enough. If you have some that are small enough around the midsection but a bit long, you can just cut some off of the bottom.
This tee I found never fit me very well, it was always a bit small. I'd even altered it before, cutting the neck hole and armpits to make it fit better. It was free when I worked retail. But now that I have an after baby body, it will never fit me even slightly again. Since I cannot give it away because I altered it, I thought it'd make a cute baby romper!
Sure it's a girl's shirt, but it's yellow so it looks kind of boyish and he doesn't care really. It's just for around the house!
Here is the shirt.

I lined it up from the top since most are not cut perfectly and pinned small pieces of Velcro to the bottom inside facing each other. I am very frugal with my Velcro because it is a bit pricey but it'll hold better if you use a bigger piece. Mine came undone when he wore certain diapers that fit bigger than others.

I used a zigzag stitch all the way around each piece and doubled back over each side. The pieces were small enough for each end to be triple stitched - forward, backward, then forward again. If you use bigger pieces just do that where you start and where you end. It can be hard to line up the zigzag perfectly to not let the edges pull up. If you don't cover the edges they will start to curl after washing so take the time to be a little extra cautious of that, or be prepared to restitch later.
Here's the finished product. I think he looks pretty cute in his mommy's clothes! I should sew back up the cut in the neck hole....

Just a fun little project you can do in some spare time - yeah cause I know all moms are drowning in spare time! ;)