The wonderful WIC! Oh how I love it. I waited until I was 6 months pregnant to apply and I kick myself every time I think about it.
If you are pregnant or have children under the age of 5 and you stay at home and your husband makes less than $50K/year, please apply for WIC!
It is such an awesome program. not only do they supply you with food that you would buy anyway like milk and cheese and juice, but they provide education. It is required at least in my area to get a WIC class aver quarter or so. Everything from breastfeeding education to starting your infant on solids. My area even offers their courses online so you don't have to come in to the office if it is difficult for you to get there and you have internet access available - which who doesn't now with libraries - and a printer to print out the form to prove you did the online course.
They promote and encourage healthy families! They teach you the importance of teaching your kids how to eat from a young age!
If you do not think you are eligible, Check HERE! and even if it doesn't look like you are, apply anyway! Who does it hurt? No one.
And if you worked a day in your life, you paid taxes that went to support things like WIC so it is totally within your right to get this help. Hell, if your husband works, he pays taxes!! Just try it.
Anything out there that teaches this country how to eat healthier I am all for! Especially since they give me free cereal!
I go in tomorrow for a check up so I'll report back about how it goes and what they do exactly.